Unsure whether you need a resume or curriculum vitae (CV) for your job search? Below, you’ll find an overview of these two career documents and what to include in each one.

Documents for Different Markets

A resume is a short (one- to three-page) document outlining your qualifications for a job. Resumes are the go-to hiring tool for companies and most nonprofits. If you’re looking for a job in either of these sectors, chances are you’ll need a resume.

In the U.S., a CV is an often lengthy job search document used by candidates in science and academia. It’s also common in other fields requiring particular education or credentials, such as pilots, doctors, and attorneys.

Make the Right Impression

Although resumes and CVs both focus on a candidate’s relevant background, they do so in different ways. They don’t each make the same impression on the recruiter or hiring manager. While the resume uses a hard-hitting profile summary of your top selling points, the CV takes a subtler approach, often omitting the profile and letting your credentials speak for themselves.

Since education is usually central to a researcher or scientist’s candidacy, it often appears first on their CV. This order differs from the resume, where professional experience usually comes first and education second.

Another key difference is job description length. Resume job descriptions can be extensive, with bullet points calling out key projects, achievements, and performance results. By contrast, CV job descriptions are often shorter and more straightforward in keeping with this document’s understated style.

What To Include in a Resume

In nearly all cases, your resume should include:

Depending on your background, you may also include one or more of these sections:

What To Include in a Curriculum Vitae

CVs cover a lot of the same information as resumes, such as work history, education, and certifications. But they can also include various sections specific to academia and science, such as:

Adding sections like these can cause your CV to reach many pages – particularly if you’ve co-written dozens of articles and given dozens of seminars. But that’s fine since readers of CVs understand and expect that your document may be much longer than a resume.

Curriculum Vitae Template Example

Cameron Malfara
Seattle, WA 12345 | (123) 456-7890 | [email protected] | LinkedIn


University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) – Major | graduation year
Dissertation: “Title of Dissertation”

Master of Science (MS) – Major | graduation year
Dissertation: “Title of Dissertation”
Select Coursework: Course Name | Course Name | Course Name

Bachelor of Science (BS) – Major | graduation year
Select Coursework: Course Name | Course Name | Course Name
magna cum laude

Research Interests

  • Relevant area of research
  • Relevant area of research
  • Relevant area of research

Research Experience

Position Title, Organization Name, Seattle, WA | year to present

  • Work duty or highlight
  • Work duty or highlight

Position Title, Organization Name, Seattle, WA | year to year

  • Work duty or highlight
  • Work duty or highlight
  • Work duty or highlight

Position Title, Organization Name, Seattle, WA | year to year

  • Work duty or highlight
  • Work duty or highlight

Board Memberships

Organization Name
Organization Name
Organization Name



“Article Title,” Publication Name, date | hyperlink
“Article Title,” Publication Name, date | hyperlink
“Book Chapter Title,” Publication Name, date | hyperlink


“Article Title,” Publication Name, date
“Article Title,” Publication Name, date

Presentations and Seminars

“Presentation Title,” Event Name, date
“Presentation Title,” Event Name, date

“Seminar Title,” Event Name, date
“Seminar Title,” Event Name, date


“Title,” Funding Organization | $ amount, time span
“Title,” Funding Organization | $ amount, time span
“Title,” Funding Organization | $ amount, time span

Frequently Asked Questions: Resume Versus Curriculum Vitae

What details should I leave off my curriculum vitae? -

Any that don’t pertain to the job you’re seeking. Despite their length, CVs follow the same core principle as a resume: Focus on relevant information. Remember this rule, and you can make the right decisions on organizing each CV section, no matter the scope of your career details.

For example, say you’ve authored or co-authored 25 research articles. If they all align with your current research interests, you can confidently list them all in your CV’s publications section. But if you’re making a career change and only 10 of the articles align with your current interests, include just those 10 and name the section “Select Publications.” And if none align, you may opt not to have a publications section at all.

Does a curriculum vitae include a cover letter?-

No. Keep and submit your cover letter as a separate document unless the job posting instructs otherwise.

Do I need a curriculum vitae for international jobs?-

Yes and no. The term “CV” is basically just another word for “resume” in many regions outside the U.S. So, if an international job posting asks for a CV, you may just need to change the name of the file you upload from “[Your Name] – Resume” to “[Your Name] – CV.” But different regions follow different CV standards. For instance, in some Asian countries, it’s customary to include personal details like your date of birth or marital status. Always do research to make sure your application fits the international job market you’re targeting.

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