How To Create a Writer Resume

As a professional writer, recruiters and hiring managers will scrutinize your resume more heavily during the job search. You’ll be assessed based on your portfolio of work and must submit an accomplishment-driven resume that demonstrates your writing capabilities, such as copywriting, film reviews, and blogging. Resumes follow a unique language structure, but there are several strategies to craft compelling content within that framework. Throughout this guide, we’ll provide expert tips to help you translate your writing experience into a powerful marketing document.

  • Entry-Level
  • Mid-Career
  • Senior-Level
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1. Create a profile by summarizing your writing qualifications

To grab the hiring manager’s attention, build a professional profile that captures your personal brand. In the opening sentence, list your title, years of experience, and three to four specializations that align with the job description.

In the subsequent sentences, highlight key achievements or mention something specific about your writing approach. By providing an engaging snapshot of your career, you’ll greatly increase your odds of landing the interview and securing your next big job opportunity.

Senior-Level Profile Example


A senior writer with over 10 years of experience specializing in copywriting, content strategy, team management, and editing. A strong history of crafting over 300 journalism articles and film reviews for industry-leading publications. Expertise in identifying creative solutions to refine content quality and improve style guidelines.

Entry-Level Profile Example


A dynamic writer with entry-level experience specializing in content writing, editing, blogging, journalism, and marketing. A strong background in crafting articles and blog posts to grow audiences and refine brand messaging. Adept at ensuring consistency of tone and voice across all written materials.

2. Create a powerful list of your writing experience

To craft an accomplishment-driven professional experience section, provide unique insights to showcase your writing style and career achievements. Also, leverage hard numbers and data to bolster the impact of your bullet points.

For example, mentioning the number of articles or blog posts you’ve written may help establish the scope of your professional experience. If you were focused on writing copy for web pages, you might want to include metrics that showcase the impact your efforts had on search engine optimization (SEO). Using numbers to your advantage can go a long way in differentiating yourself from the competition.

Senior-Level Professional Experience Example

Professional Experience

Writer, Ludwig Freelance Services, New York, NY

May 2021 – present

  • Write and edit blog posts, web copy, and advertisements for clients across a wide variety of industries, including nutrition businesses, legal firms, marketing services, fitness products, and PR businesses
  • Collaborate with clients to discuss project specifications, identify tone and brand voice, and create exciting copy that resonates with target audiences
  • Improve web traffic by 20% for an online nutrition website featuring recipes and information on vegan diets using SEO strategies
  • Edit existing web pages and copy for articles and blog posts to improve content quality

Entry-Level Professional Experience Example

Professional Experience

Writer, Boston Copywriting Pros., Boston, MA

May 2018 – present

  • Craft more than 100 engaging articles, posts, marketing materials, and web pages for a diverse client base, perform market research on industry trends, and ensure alignment with brand messaging and strategy to drive organic growth and audience engagement
  • Lead the development of articles and web copy for an emerging blockchain investment consulting site, resulting in a top 15 Google ranking
  • Write a series of thought leadership articles for a career consulting firm on job search and career change strategies, resulting in a 30% increase in monthly page views

3. List your education and certifications relevant to writing

In addition to your education, consider pursuing certifications to help your resume stand out from the applicant pool. For instance, if you were pursuing a job as a technical writer, you’d want to complete courses from an accredited organization such as Technical Writer HQ. If you’re a marketing professional, you could obtain a professional content writer certification.



  • [Degree Name]
  • [School Name], [City, State Abbreviation] [Dates Enrolled]


  • Bachelor of Arts (B.S.) English
  • Temple University, Philadelphia, PA September 2012 – June 2016



  • [Certification Name], [Awarding Organization], [Completion Year]


  • Creative Writing Certification, Coursera, 2020
  • Content Strategy for Professionals Specialization, Northwestern University, 2018

4. List your key writing skills and proficiencies

Companies rely on applicant tracking systems (ATS) to identify candidates who meet their organizational needs. Although you’ll be evaluated based on your writing portfolio, you’ll still need to pass the initial ATS scan for the opportunity to showcase your work. Incorporating specific key skills and action verbs from the job description is a crucial element of the resume writing process. Below, you’ll find a list of keywords that you may encounter during your job search:

Key Skills and Proficiencies
Adobe Suite AP style
Articles Blogging
Brand messaging Content strategy
Copy editing Copywriting
Creative writing Digital publications
Editing English
Google Suite Grammar
Journalism Microsoft Office Suite
MLA Project management
Proofreading Publishing
Quality assurance SEO
Social media Web content

Feature a link to your writing portfolio in the profile or header. Your writing samples will heavily impact whether or not prospective employers bring you in for an interview. Make it as easy as possible for them to access your portfolio. Also, consider providing a link to your writing samples in the featured section or about section of your LinkedIn profile.

How To Pick the Best Writer Resume Template

If you struggle to select the ideal resume template, you’re not alone. With such a wide variety of options available, finding a template that fits your personal brand can be challenging. Limited use of color is acceptable, but avoid incorporating large graphics. These elements can negatively impact your formatting and draw the reader’s eye away from your career accomplishments. Ultimately, the quality of your writing will always be the deciding factor in whether or not a company chooses to hire you, so prioritize organization and structure over aesthetics.

Writer Text-Only Resume Templates and Examples

  • Entry-Level
  • Mid-Career
  • Senior-Level

Alicia Santos
(123) 456-7890
[email protected]
123 Your Street, Boston, MA 12345


An innovative Writer with five years of professional experience, specializing in copywriting, brand messaging, tone of voice, and editing. A proven track record of delivering over 150+ articles, blogs, and creative writing pieces across a variety of topics and subject matter. Expertise in conducting market research to enhance organic SEO growth.

Professional Experience

Writer, Boston Copywriting Pros., Boston, MA
May 2018 – Present

  • Craft 100+ compelling articles, posts, marketing materials, and web pages for a diverse client base, perform market research on industry trends, and ensure alignment with brand messaging and strategy to drive organic growth and audience engagement
  • Lead the development of articles and web copy for an emerging blockchain investment consulting site, resulting in a top 15 Google ranking
  • Write a series of thought leadership articles for a career consulting firm on job search and career change strategies, resulting in a 30% increase in monthly page views

Writer, Arthur & Taylor Legal Associates
May 2016 – May 2018

  • Wrote 50+ blog posts, landing pages, and thought leadership articles covering a range of legal topics, including personal injury and workers’ compensation
  • Crafted copy for web pages to highlight successful cases and provide insights into the firm’s legal expertise while maintaining client confidentiality
  • Created informative blog posts on the legal process and state laws governing personal injury statutes and workers compensation in a variety of situations


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Journalism
Boston University, Boston, MA September 2012 – May 2016

Key Skills

  • Content Development
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Copywriting
  • WordPress
  • Brand Messaging

Frequently Asked Questions: Writer Resume Examples and Advice

What are common action verbs for writer resumes?-

Differentiating your usage of action verbs is an important aspect of the resume-building process, especially for professional writers. Using the same verbs repeatedly can cause your bullet points to appear stale or redundant. Keep in mind that as a writer, your word choice, language, and sentence structure will be more heavily scrutinized than other types of job seekers. Below, you’ll find a list of action verbs to keep your content fresh and compelling:

Action Verbs
Analyze Collaborate
Coordinate Craft
Create Design
Develop Edit
Enhance Examine
Identify Implement
Improve Lead
Manage Oversee
Perform Proofread
Revise Support
How do you align your resume with a job description?-

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, writer positions are expected to grow by 4% by 2031. Although the demand for experienced writers is high, you’ll need to align your resume with the job description to capitalize on these opportunities. The most lucrative writing positions will always have the strongest competition, so it’s vital you make a positive impression on the hiring manager.

Start by tactically integrating keywords from the job posting directly into your profile, professional experience, and skills section. This will help you achieve ATS compliance. However, it’s important to remember that hiring managers also want to see tangible examples of your experience. For example, rather than only listing SEO writing as a skill, highlight specific projects you worked on that demonstrate your expertise in this area.

What is the best writer resume format?-

Professional writers should utilize a reverse chronological resume format in almost every instance. Hiring managers are always more interested in your recent experience, and this approach places that information towards the top of your document. If you have specific achievements that are older, consider creating a career highlights section directly below your profile. The downside of this is that while your accomplishments are featured higher up on the resume, the hiring manager won’t have context for your bullets.

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Expert Advice
Include a cover letter with your resume

Providing a matching cover letter can be a helpful tool for professional writers. This allows you to showcase your unique writing style without the constraints of resume language. If you submit a cover letter, carefully tailor it to individual job descriptions. Mention something specific about the company’s reputation, mission statement, or work culture and why this draws you to apply for the position. For more information, visit our editor cover letter guide.

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