How To Write a Video Editor Resume

As a video editor, your resume must demonstrate proficiency in editing and an ability to tell a story through visual formats. Show potential employers and clients your capacity to collaborate with teams, meet project deadlines, and adapt to new trends. We’ll give you the tools to write an accomplishment-driven video editor resume. You’ll learn how to showcase your most impressive skills and leverage your experience within the world of content creation.

  • Entry-Level
  • Mid-Career
  • Senior-Level
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1. Craft an outstanding profile with a summary of your video editor qualifications

Pique the interest of hiring managers with a captivating snapshot of your experience as a video editor. Begin the first sentence with your job title, years of experience, and three to four specializations or key skills that align with the job posting. Use the remaining sentences to establish yourself as a leading video editor within your niche.

Suppose you played a pivotal role in producing award-winning video content that garnered millions of views. Highlight this in your profile to show you have a proven track record of editing videos that make an impact. If you have social media video content expertise, discuss your skills in optimizing videos for platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Provide metrics for how your work influenced engagement or follower counts.

Senior-Level Profile Example:

A senior video editor with over 10 years of experience specializing in project management, television production, video asset creation, and stakeholder management. A proven track record of leading video production teams to execute promo projects for television programming across cable and streaming formats.

Entry-Level Profile Example:

A recent graduate in video production with entry-level work experience specializing in video editing, Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere, After Effects, and Photoshop. Adept at coordinating with diverse teams to execute video projects and post-production activities.

2. Add a compelling section featuring your video editor experience

As you write your professional experience section, shift the emphasis from listing job responsibilities to showcasing your career accomplishments. Employers value tangible results, so you need to illustrate the concrete impact of your work using metrics and relevant data.

Highlight your ability to tell compelling stories clearly and concisely, transforming hours of video footage into minutes of engaging content. Mention your collaboration with directors, producers, and other creative professionals to achieve results. Show how you creatively solved storytelling challenges or found innovative ways to convey a message.

Senior-Level Professional Experience Example:

Senior Video Editor

Los Angeles Video Studio, Los Angeles, CA | November 2016 – present

  • Oversee the creative process for over 40 television video projects, such as commercials and promotional videos, which includes collaborating with production teams and stakeholders to define programming and ensure compliance with project budgets of $300,000 to $500,000
  • Lead a team of 20 video editors and marketing specialists, define project priorities, facilitate meetings to evaluate deliverables, and ensure on-time delivery
  • Drive the creation of video assets based on stakeholder requirements, which includes aligning visual aesthetics with brand storytelling
  • Manage the post-production editing process, lead color correction and audio mixing activities, and utilize After Effects, Final Cut Pro, and Adobe Premiere Pro

Entry-Level Professional Experience Example:

Video Editor Intern

Gemini Production Studio, Washington, D.C. | January 2021 – May 2021

  • Supported video production projects for the delivery of a new web series on millennial nostalgia, assisted with lighting, cinematography, and audio setup, and conducted post-production editing in collaboration with a team of video editors
  • Created video effects using Adobe Suite, Photoshop, and After Effects

3. List your video editor education and certifications

Professional experience remains a primary consideration for most employers, but certifications can significantly enhance your resume and increase your likelihood of securing interviews. Outside of your standard education section, be sure to include any relevant credentials you hold in the entertainment industry.

While certifications alone may not guarantee a call back for an interview, they showcase your dedication to improving your skills and delivering top-notch results to prospective employers and clients. For instance, having certifications in video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro demonstrates your proficiency and commitment to mastering industry-standard tools.



  • [Degree Name]
  • [School Name], [City, State Abbreviation] – [Graduation Month and Year]


  • Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Video Production
  • University of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA September 2007 – May 2011



  • [Certification Name], [Awarding Organization] – [Completion Year]


  • Apple Certified Pro, Final Cut Pro X, May 2017
  • Digital Video Engineering Professional (DVEP), May 2016

4. Include a list of your video editing skills and proficiencies

Most companies use filtering software to narrow down candidates to only those who fit the description best. Get through the initial resume screening process by optimizing your document for applicant tracking systems (ATS). Study the job description for the video editor position you want and incorporate keywords throughout your resume. Your key skills section is a great place to use this strategy. Explore our list of examples below to familiarize yourself with commonly sought-after key terms:

Key Skills and Proficiencies
Adobe After Effects Adobe Premiere Pro
Audio mixing Cinematography
Color correction Composition
Final Cut ProX Graphic design
Motion graphics Photography
Post-production Project management
Sequencing Social media
Sound mixing Stakeholder management
Storyboards Video asset creation
Video encoding Video production

5. Include a curated portfolio of your work

During the application process, you’ll likely be required to include a link to a digital portfolio. This provides concrete evidence of your skills, allows employers to see your style and versatility, and differentiates you from other candidates. Make sure your portfolio is well-organized and highlights various projects relevant to the job you’re applying for. A strong portfolio can speak volumes about your abilities, leaving hiring managers eager to learn more about what you can bring to their team.

How To Pick the Best Video Editor Resume Template

When selecting your resume template, opt for a clean and professional design. Video editing is a creative field, but your resume should be polished. Remember, the content of your resume is what truly matters. If you have a personal website or online portfolio, ensure your resume’s design aligns with that style to maintain a cohesive look. If you’re submitting your resume digitally, look for templates that allow you to include links to your online portfolio or work samples.

Video Editor Text-Only Resume Templates and Examples

  • Entry-Level
  • Mid-Career
  • Senior-Level

Lily Ginsberg
(123) 456-7890
[email protected]
123 Your Street, New York, NY, 12345


A Video Editor with two years of experience, specializing in project management, post-production, video editing, and visual effects. A proven track record of managing video production projects and collaborating with creative teams to refine storytelling. Adept at translating long-form content into short-form videos.

Professional Experience

Video Editor, Starlight Production, New York, NY
May 2020 – Present

  • Execute 30+ video production projects for social media marketing campaigns, create visual effects, manage post-production efforts, and coordinate with client stakeholders to ensure alignment with project specifications
  • Collaborate with creative teams to review scripts and design storyboards
  • Perform post-production editing using Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere, and After Effects and conduct video editing, color correction, and sequencing

Video Editor, Storyline Production Inc., New York, NY
June 2019 – May 2020

  • Coordinated with the video production team to execute 15+ product marketing video projects, which included conducting editing and post-production activities to enhance brand messaging for target audiences
  • Utilized After Effects and Adobe Premiere to create motion graphics

Academic Projects

Video Editing Project, Columbia University, New York, NY
September 2018 – May 2019

  • Managed, produced, and executed a video project to develop a short documentary capturing the Jewish-American experience in New York City, which included conducting post-production editing, coordinating cinematography, and interviewing subjects


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Film
Columbia University, New York, NY, September 2015 – June 2019

Key Skills

  • Video Production
  • Storytelling
  • Social Media
  • Visual Design
  • Color Correction
  • Adobe Premiere
  • Final Cut Pro
  • After Effects


  • Adobe Certified Associate (ACA), May 2020
  • Apple Certified Pro, Final Cut Pro X, May 2019

Frequently Asked Questions: Video Editor Resume Examples and Advice

What are common action verbs for video editor resumes?-

Action verbs will help you communicate your accomplishments as you write your professional experience section. Consider using some of the words below to enhance your content and liven up your video editor resume:

Action Verbs
Analyzed Conducted
Coordinated Collaborated
Created Designed
Developed Drove
Enhanced Evaluated
Examined Executed
Implemented Led
Oversaw Performed
Partnered Planned
Produced Supported
How do you align your resume with a video editor job description?-

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for film and video editor positions is expected to grow 12% between 2021 and 2031. Despite over 9,000 new openings projected over the decade, you’ll still need a solid resume to differentiate yourself from other job seekers. Customizing your document is key to making a connection with hiring managers.

The best way to align your resume with the job description is to figure out what the employer or client specifically needs in a video editor. What are their goals, and how can you help them succeed? For instance, if the position calls for a video editor with experience in documentary filmmaking, emphasize specific projects to establish your credibility. Showcase your proficiency in documentary-style editing techniques and demonstrate your ability to maintain a compelling narrative.

What is the best video editor resume format?-

Both reverse chronological and combination resume formats are strong options for video editors. The reverse chronological format excels in featuring your career progression, allowing you to highlight your work history in a clear and organized manner. On the other hand, the combination format lets you emphasize your skills, achievements, and creative abilities upfront while still providing a detailed work history with compelling bullet points.

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Expert Advice
Include a cover letter with your resume

Create a compelling cover letter to accompany your resume and help your chances of landing an interview. The best way to write a cover letter is to tailor it to the specific company or client you want to work with. Learn how to do this with our comprehensive cover letter guide. Check out our related cover letter guides for graphic designers and photographers for more examples.

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