How To Write a Case Manager Resume

To write an eye-catching case manager resume, you must create an accomplishment-driven document that encapsulates the strongest aspects of your experience as a social worker.

Highlight your proven track record of developing evidence-based care plans and empowering clients to achieve goals. Showcase your ability to build relationships with patients, families, and multi-disciplinary teams. Throughout this guide, we’ll provide valuable tips and insights to translate your career achievements into a stand-out resume.

  • Entry-level
  • Mid-career
  • Senior-level
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1. Craft an outstanding profile with a summary of your case manager qualifications

Lead your resume with a compelling snapshot of your qualifications and achievements in health care. Start with an opening sentence that lists your title, years of experience, and three to four clinical specializations that align with the job description. Emphasize your passion for improving quality of life and driving personal growth for patients. Highlight your experience working with diverse clients across various cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. Define your personal brand and values to make a lasting impression on the hiring manager and differentiate yourself from other candidates during the job search.

Senior-Level Profile Example

A case manager with over 10 years of professional experience specializing in treatment planning, mental health services, substance abuse issues, and community outreach. A strong history of providing clients with essential resources to facilitate addiction recovery. Adept at interfacing with diverse populations and building long-term relationships with clients.

Entry-Level Profile Example

A social services assistant with entry-level experience, specializing in case management, conflict resolution, communication, and relationship building. A strong background in assisting families in obtaining mental health services and community resources.

2. Add a compelling section featuring your case manager experience

When building your professional experience section, prioritize your accomplishments over job responsibilities. Incorporate numbers and clinical data to substantiate your achievements. For example, include the number of cases you managed to establish a sense of scope for the hiring manager. Draw attention to an increase in positive patient outcomes or goal attainment to demonstrate the effectiveness of your care plans. Quantify your contributions to highlight the difference you’ve made in the lives of patients, clients, and families.

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“Crafting a standout case manager resume requires showcasing not just your tasks, but quantifiable results like ‘Increased client satisfaction by 20% through personalized care plans,” says expert recruiter Ernestine Council. Remember, numbers speak volumes to potential employers.”

It’s also important to feature examples of your leadership and communication skills, as you’ll constantly be interfacing with both multidisciplinary teams and diverse clients in a social work position. Employers want candidates who can provide essential resources and support with empathy and cultural awareness. Showcase your ability to build relationships and communicate effectively with patients, law enforcement, government agencies, and clinical teams.

Senior-Level Professional Experience Example

Case Manager, Los Angeles Rehabilitation, Los Angeles, CA | May 2014 – present

  • Oversee more than 150 cases related to substance abuse and alcoholism and partner with multidisciplinary teams to identify appropriate treatments based on mental health assessments, background, and addiction
  • Serve as a client advocate during treatment and court hearings, interface with state agencies and law enforcement, coordinate treatment plans and patient stays
  • Improve positive patient outcomes by 30% in coordination with program management teams by implementing new clinical approaches to substance abuse treatment

Entry-Level Professional Experience Example

Social Services Assistant, Boston Relief Nonprofit, Boston, MA | July 2020 – present

  • Build long-term relationships with families, provide social services for over 25 cases, and coordinate with nonprofit agencies to ensure child welfare
  • Create documentation on child neglect, domestic violence, abuse allegations, and living conditions and serve as an advocate during child custody proceedings
  • Identify resources and create support structures for families to obtain counseling services, including rehabilitation for substance abuse issues

In addition to your college degree, you’ll need to feature relevant industry certifications to ensure the success of your job search. These credentials are often requirements for case manager roles.

The Certified Case Manager (CCM) designation is the broadest and most well-known, allowing you to work in various settings. The Accredited Case Manager (ACM) credential is more specialized, focusing on professionals who work in hospitals or medical facilities.



  • [Degree Name]
  • [School Name], [City, State Abbreviation] | [Graduation Year]


  • Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Social Work
  • University of Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA | 2018



  • [Certification Name], [Awarding Organization], [Completion Year]


  • ACM, ACMA | 2019
  • CCM, CCMC | 2018

4. List key case manager skills and proficiencies

Integrate keywords and skills from the job description into your resume to generate traction on the job market. Companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to scan resumes for specific key terms that align with their organizational needs. If your resume fails to meet specific benchmarks, the software algorithm will automatically reject your document. To mitigate this risk, feature as many relevant keywords as possible in your professional profile, skills section, and work experience. Below, you’ll find a list of potential key terms you may encounter during your job search:

Key Skills and Proficiencies
Adoption services Behavioral analysis
Case management Clinical services
Communication Community outreach
Community resources Conflict resolution
Child welfare Crisis intervention
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Electronic Medical Records (EHR)
Evidence-based treatment Family dynamics
Foster care Individualized Service Plans (ISP)
Mental health services Nonprofit
Program management Psychology
Substance abuse Social services
Social work Treatment planning

How To Pick the Best Case Manager Resume Template

You’re not alone if you struggle to find the right template during the resume-building process. Many job seekers experience difficulty when trying to identify a format that truly works to their advantage. Generally, always prioritize structure, organization, and readability over aesthetics. Avoid flashy colors, bulky graphics, and overly decorative fonts. Choose an elegant, single-column template that allows the hiring manager to easily scan your document for key skills, achievements, and qualifications.

Case Manager Text-Only Resume Templates and Examples

  • Entry-level
  • Mid-career
  • Senior-level

Sarah Morrison
(123) 456-7890
[email protected]
123 Your Street, New York, NY 12345


A Case Manager with five years of experience within the nonprofit industry, specializing in child welfare, crisis intervention, behavioral analysis, and social services. A proven track record of delivering resources and support to children and families within the foster care system. Adept at managing complex cases with cultural awareness and empathy.

Professional Experience

Case Manager, Children’s Light Association, New York, NY
May 2018 – Present

  • Oversee 100+ cases of children in foster care, establish ongoing relationships with foster families, deliver support during crisis situations, and conduct at-home visits to evaluate family dynamics and ensure child welfare
  • Provide training to 30+ foster parents, ensure healthy living environments, and develop strategies for parents to aid children with mental health and behavioral issues
  • Collaborate with social services managers to analyze case documentation and client history, ensure compliance with state regulations, and identify ideal foster homes for children based on emotional and cultural needs

Case Manager, Brooklyn Foster Care Center, New York, NY
May 2016 – May 2018

  • Managed 35 foster care cases involving at-risk youths, identified mental health resources, and created individual service plans to aid personal, emotional, and behavioral growth
  • Conducted crisis interventions and resolved conflicts during critical situations, which included delivering continuous support to foster parents and youths


Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Social Work
Columbia University, New York, NY September 2012 – May 2016

Key Skills

  • Crisis Intervention
  • Mental Health
  • Case Management
  • Individual Service Plans (ISP)
  • Behavioral Analysis


  • Certified Social Work Case Manager (C-SWCM), Awarded 2019
  • Academy of Certified Social Workers Credential (ACSW), Awarded 2018

Frequently Asked Questions: Case Manager Resume Examples and Advice

What are common action verbs for case manager resumes?-

Incorporate action verbs to add a dynamic and engaging element into your writing. Avoid passive language such as “responsible for,” “helped,” or “tasked with,” as this phrasing can inadvertently frame your achievements as job duties. Differentiate your usage of action verbs to keep your content fresh and compelling throughout your resume. Below is a list of action verbs you can use to build your professional experience section:

Action Verbs
Analyzed Collaborated
Communicated Conducted
Coordinated Developed
Enhanced Evaluated
Facilitated Identified
Implemented Improved
Increased Interfaced
Led Managed
Oversaw Performed
Provided Supported
How do you align your resume with a case manager resume with the job description?-

Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects over 281,600 new job openings for social workers annually. Despite an above-average growth rate, align your resume with the job description to maximize your chances of landing the interview. Start by carefully reviewing each posting and incorporating key terms that match the needs of the organization you’re applying to.

For example, if an employer is looking for a case manager with a strong background in evidence-based care, make this a focal point of your profile and professional experience section. If an organization seeks a candidate for an adoption or child services-centered role, emphasize your comprehensive knowledge of family dynamics, crisis intervention, and behavioral analysis.

What is the best case manager resume format?-

As a case manager, opt for the reverse chronological format in most situations. This allows you to place your most recent and relevant work experience towards the top of your document. If you’re just starting your career, it’s appropriate to feature your skills, academic projects, and volunteer experience above your work history. Be sure to craft detailed bullet points for your volunteer work to paint an engaging picture of your community service and outreach experience.

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Expert Advice
Include a cover letter with your resume

Write a corresponding cover letter to bolster the strength of your job application. Show hiring managers and potential employers why you’re the ideal fit for their organization. In your middle paragraphs, mention something specific about the nonprofit's mission statement, reputation, or culture and why this draws you to apply for the position. For more insights, visit our case manager cover letter page.

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