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Data and Research

June 18, 2024

3 in 10 Companies Currently Have Fake Job Postings Listed

Employers posting fake or “ghost” job listings online is a disturbing trend and growing problem in the job...

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June 11, 2024

1 in 10 Business Leaders Say Their Company Has Fired a Gen Z Manager

As Generation Z (Gen Zers,the oldest of whom are age 28) continues to rise in the ranks of the workforce, more...

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June 4, 2024

1 in 8 Workers Plan on Quiet Vacationing This Summer

The latest workplace trend, “quiet vacationing,” which is reminiscent of “hush trips,” is the practice...

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May 29, 2024

1 in 4 Companies Plan To Increase Required Days In-Office in 2025, Despite Majority Losing Talent Due to RTO Policy

The return-to-office (RTO) debate remains a heated topic in workplace policy. Business leaders advocate for a...

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May 15, 2024

1 in 4 Recently Hired Workers Found a Job Within a Month

Although the labor market is considered to be strong, many job seekers say it’s difficult to get a job right...

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April 30, 2024

Nearly 1 in 10 Business Leaders Say Company Will Expect Employees To Work a 6-Day Workweek in 2025

Recently Samsung decided to implement a mandatory six-day workweek for all its executives, aiming to instill a...

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