Publications can help you stand out and show thought leadership in your field. But you may find it hard to organize them on your resume, especially if they include many co-authors, long article titles, or endless URL addresses. Below is a step-by-step guide to setting up this section.

Develop a Master Publications List

First, draft a complete overview of publications you’ve written or co-written to date. By gathering this list (and updating it as needed), you can more quickly produce a publications section for any current or future job application.

To keep your list clear and organized, follow a consistent citation style. Here’s an overview of common citation styles and the academic/professional areas where they generally apply:

Determine if your field requires you to follow a certain style (more likely if you work in science or academia). When in doubt, use MLA.

Explore Word’s Bibliography Tool

If you’re one of the many who find citation guidelines tedious, Microsoft Word has a built-in tool that lets you organize your publications. It may take you a few minutes to learn this feature. But once you do, you can quickly add to your publications list going forward.

You’ll find Word’s bibliography tool on the “References” tab. Look for the “Citations & Bibliography” section of ribbon commands, then follow these five steps:

1. Click the “Style” dropdown menu and choose the citation style you’d like to use.

2. Click the “Manage Sources” command. Toward the middle of the Source Manager menu that appears, click “New…” to open the “Create Source” form.

3. Choose your publication category at the top (such as Book, Book Section, and Journal Article). Then, enter details such as the Title, Year, and Publisher.

4. Click “OK” and then “New…” again as needed to enter your other publications. When you’re done, click “Close” on the bottom right to exit the Source Manager menu.

5. Click the “Bibliography” ribbon command to generate your full publications list, auto-formatted in your chosen style.

See Word’s bibliography help page for more details.

After setting up a master publications list, you can use it as the basis for your publications section. Simply review the list and copy any relevant items into your latest resume or CV.

Leave out any publications that don’t pertain to your current job search. (The only exception to this rule is if they include dates that help you account for a gap in your career history.) Assuming you don’t use every item on your list, name the resulting resume or CV section “Select Publications” or “Publication Highlights” for accuracy.

Under each citation, feel free to add more details or a brief description of the subject matter. (This can be especially useful if the title of the publication is somehow vague or misleading.)

Streamline Your Publications on a Resume

If you have many relevant publications and you’re drafting a CV, you can include them all since readers of a CV expect to see the full scope of your background. But if you’re preparing a resume, take a more streamlined approach to help hiring managers quickly scan your top publications and look up any they’d like to know more about. Consider these three options:

Pare back to your top five items

This keeps your publications section brief so it won’t overwhelm your work experience or education details.

Plug in the URL

If you have the URL to a publication’s full text or citation online, include the link at the end of its entry. Adding the URL lets you remove other citation details that hiring managers would need to find an article, such as volume, issue, or page numbers. For a long URL, you can enter the word “Link” as your hyperlink to the web page.

Categorize by role

For publications in which you were one of multiple authors, you can omit the names of your colleagues without taking undue credit. Just divide your publications into “Author” and “Co-Author” categories, as in the following APA-style example:


Article Title. (Year, Month Day). Periodical Title. 
Journal Article Title. (Year). Journal Name.


Article Title. (Year, Month Day). Periodical Title.
Article Title. (Year, Month Day). Periodical Title.
Journal Article Title. (Year). Journal Name.

Frequently Asked Questions About Publications on Your Resume or CV

Should I include publications on my resume or CV?-

Generally, yes. Publications help you show engagement, innovation, and thought leadership in your field. They’re also an indirect endorsement of your expertise by the outlet that published your work. Just remember to focus on publications that speak to your target job.

How do I order my publications list?-

For most job seekers, there’s no strict rule. If you’re using Word’s bibliography tool, the citation style you choose may order your list alphabetically. Consider re-ordering them by date on your resume or CV to correspond with your experience section. But if you only have a few publications, you can omit dates and order the items by relevance.

Where on my resume should I put the publications section?-

Again, there’s no strict rule. But in general, your resume or CV sections should be ordered by relevance. So feel free to put your publications above any section (even education and professional experience) if they’re somehow more impressive or relevant to your current job search goals.

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