A cover letter is like a formal introduction to your job application. This document goes beyond the confines of a resume to tell your story as a professional and why you’re interested in a job. Cover letters are especially helpful as a student if you have limited experience or simply want to differentiate yourself from other applicants.

It’s always best to include a cover letter with your application, whether or not it is required for the hiring process. In this guide, we’ll share tips and examples of student cover letters to help you write one that shows you’re ready to transition from the classroom to the workforce.

Student Cover Letter Templates and Examples

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How To Write a Student Cover Letter

Your student cover letter should describe how your past academic, volunteer, or work experiences make you a great fit for the job. Writing a strong cover letter begins with a strategic approach, and the tips below will help get you started:

  • Do your homework for the job: Show you’re truly interested in working for the company by making an effort to learn more. Check out its website and social media pages for the latest news and info. Then, use this knowledge to demonstrate how you align with the organization’s mission and values.
  • Customize your letter: Hiring managers can easily tell if you send the same generic document to multiple businesses. Instead, adapt your letter for each application using the information gained from your research. Match your skills and qualifications with the job requirements and include those keywords in your letter.
  • Highlight extracurriculars: If you have a limited work history, extracurricular activities can be a goldmine of relevant experiences. Team projects, leadership roles, clubs, and volunteer work are all valuable assets to pull from. Discuss the experience and skills you developed in these roles and how they apply to the job you’re applying for.
  • Tell a compelling story: Think of this as a narrative story rather than an informative report. Provide employers with all the need-to-know facts, but don’t lose your unique voice in the process. Be authentic and let your personality shine through when describing what you’re passionate about or why you specifically want the job.
  • Edit your writing: What better way to show you pay attention to the details than with an error-free cover letter? After your first draft, it can help you step away for a while to have a fresh perspective and clear mind for the final edit. Consider using a writing assistant like Grammarly to ensure proper spelling and grammar for extra support.

What To Include in a Student Cover Letter

Whether you’re in high school, college, or even a recent grad, your student cover letter must contain compelling evidence to suggest that you’re equipped for this new role. To ensure you include all the best aspects of your professional potential, follow the outline below.

1. Contact information and salutation

At the top of your cover letter, list your full name, location, email address, phone number, and a link to your online professional profile or portfolio. For the best impression, ensure your email address has a polished and professional look. A combination of your first and last name is often the best for job applications.

Next comes the opening salutation. If possible, this section should be personalized. Take time to figure out who you should address your cover letter to so you can use their name.

Addressing your cover letter to a specific person shows you made an effort to add a personal touch. If you can’t find a name, a simple general greeting like the one below will work.


City, State Abbreviation | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | LinkedIn URL

Dear Mr./Ms./Mx. Last Name / Hiring Manager / Company Name Hiring Team,

2. Introductory paragraph

The opening paragraph of your cover letter should be engaging and informative, drawing the reader in. Be sure to list the job title you’re applying for and describe why you’re interested in the position. You can also mention your education status or academic background if applicable to the job. If you were referred by a current employee, mention their name here as well.


I recently discovered the event planning assistant opportunity on the Enchanting Engagements website and was eager to apply. [Referral Name] praised your team’s talent for making memorable experiences. My event planning skills and creativity would contribute to the successful execution of your fun, fairytale events.

3. Background paragraph

The background paragraph should provide a brief overview of how your past has prepared you for the role. Even if you don’t have any professional work experience, you can describe time spent on academic projects, internships, side gigs, and extracurricular activities. Then, round off the paragraph with a few key accomplishments, using numbers when you can.


As a fine arts major, I didn’t expect my creative ability to extend into the event planning space. I was voted into a leadership role by my art club peers and discovered I actually enjoy and even excel at event organizing. During my freshman year, I found myself at the helm of planning a charity art show. Each quarter since then, I’ve led our club to put on a variety of events:

  • Curated and organized five thematic exhibitions each year, drawing an average attendance of over 300 visitors
  • Coordinated at least 10 interactive workshops per semester to engage students in hands-on art techniques and concepts
  • Orchestrated annual auctions that each raised more than $5,000 for local art-based community projects

4. Key skills and qualifications paragraph

In this paragraph, prove that you’re ready to take on the demands of the position despite any lack of paid experience. Describe times you’ve excelled in the past when using skills mentioned in the job ad. If you don’t have any technical ability to perform the job, shift your focus to interpersonal abilities like communication, leadership, and teamwork.


Taking the lead as the event planner in my art club has helped me see the big picture while managing the smallest key details. I use my creativity to find solutions, work collaboratively, and negotiate with vendors while staying within budget. My creative vision and planning experience would fully support your company’s unforgettable enchanted events.

5. Conclusion

To conclude your letter, end on a high note by reaffirming your genuine interest in the role. Make another mention of why you think you would be a good fit or why you want the job. Then, encourage the hiring manager to move forward with the hiring process. Tell them you look forward to speaking soon and would appreciate a chance to meet for an interview. Finally, end with a professional farewell such as “sincerely,” “best,” or “kind regards.”


I look forward to the possibility of bringing my background in art and event planning to Enchanting Engagements. I would appreciate the chance to share more about my abilities in an interview at your convenience. Thank you for considering my application.


Your Name

Student Text-Only Cover Letter Templates and Examples


City, State Abbreviation | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | LinkedIn URL

Dear Mr./Ms./Mx. Last Name / Hiring Manager / Company Name Hiring Team,

I recently discovered the event planning assistant opportunity on the Enchanting Engagements website and was eager to apply. [Referral Name] praised your team’s talent for making memorable experiences. My event planning skills and creativity would contribute to the successful execution of your fun, fairytale events.

As a fine arts major, I didn’t expect my creative ability to extend into the event planning space. I was voted into a leadership role by my art club peers and discovered I actually enjoy and even excel at event organizing. During my freshman year, I found myself at the helm of planning a charity art show. Each quarter since then, I’ve led our club to put on a variety of events:

  • Curated and organized five thematic exhibitions each year, drawing an average attendance of over 300 visitors
  • Coordinated at least 10 interactive workshops per semester to engage students in hands-on art techniques and concepts
  • Orchestrated annual auctions that each raised more than $5,000 for local art-based community projects

Taking the lead as the event planner in my art club has helped me see the big picture while managing the smallest key details. I use my creativity to find solutions, work collaboratively, and negotiate with vendors while staying within budget. My creative vision and planning experience would fully support your company’s unforgettable enchanted events.

I look forward to the possibility of bringing my background in art and event planning to Enchanting Engagements. I would appreciate sharing more about my abilities in an interview at your convenience. Thank you for considering my application.


Your Name

When Should You Include a Student Cover Letter?

If a company requires a cover letter for the hiring process, plan on submitting one with your application. Failing to follow this simple instruction will most likely disqualify you from the job. However, even if cover letters are listed as optional, it’s always best to include one regardless.

As a student, you may not have much work experience yet, and a cover letter can help persuade hiring managers to see beyond this. It gives you the chance to mention a referral, tell a compelling story, or explain how your transferable skills and volunteer time make up for any lack of paid work.

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