A great MBA cover letter highlights how you applied your business strategy and administration expertise to generate results in your industry. Demonstrate how you’ve leveraged the knowledge you gained from your MBA program to drive positive business outcomes throughout your career. Our guide provides expert tips and examples to help you translate your academic and professional achievements into a winning cover letter.

MBA Cover Letter Templates and Examples

  • Entry-Level
  • Mid-Career
  • Senior-Level
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How To Write an MBA Cover Letter

The first step in building an impactful MBA cover letter is to research your target company. What qualifications is the organization looking for in a candidate? How does your background align with their long-term goals and business needs? Structure your content around answering these questions, as this is the surest way to show potential employers you’re the ideal candidate for the position.

For example, say you were applying for a position that requires a unique blend of business knowledge and technical acumen. Start by citing your MBA to show you’ve cultivated a strong understanding of business strategy. Follow up with a complex technology project that demonstrates your ability to bring a tactical business perspective to drive the delivery of technical solutions.

1. Contact information and salutation

Greeting the hiring manager by name — Mr. or Ms. [Last Name] is important. This small personal touch shows you’ve taken the time to learn more about the company before submitting your MBA cover letter and you’re genuinely interested in joining their team. If you can’t find the hiring manager’s name, use a variation of “Dear Hiring Manager.” You can also feature a link to your MBA in the header to immediately draw attention to your degree.

2. Introductory paragraph

Open your MBA cover letter with a powerful introduction to draw the reader in and entice them to read further. Highlight your years of industry experience and relevant qualifications that match the job description. Anchor your paragraph with one of your most notable career achievements to showcase your proven track record of success. Select an accomplishment demonstrating how the skills you’ve garnered from your MBA program have allowed you to generate results for previous employers.


As an equities analyst for Jenkins and Associates, I conducted due diligence and enabled data-driven decision-making for large mergers and acquisitions of retail businesses. In 2023, my team was responsible for 27% of gross profits, totaling $7.5 million. I welcome the opportunity to bring my track record of success to your organization.

3. Body paragraphs

In the body paragraphs of your MBA cover letter, describe your strongest professional achievements and qualifications. Start by mentioning details about the company’s reputation or mission statement and how your background aligns with their needs.

For example, suppose an organization is seeking a candidate to perform due diligence on potential investments. In this situation, it would be advantageous to emphasize how you’ve evaluated company financials, risks, and market indicators to identify the most promising acquisitions. This provides context for how you applied skill sets and knowledge from your MBA program in a real-world business setting.


With three years of experience and promotion from an equity research associate to a senior analyst, I’m drawn to Capital Funds’ diverse investment capabilities in the global marketplace. My acumen for identifying stocks with superior earning potential would be an asset to the portfolio managers on the international growth equity team. Some of my previous achievements include:

  • Researched business trends, analyzed economic climates, identified potential risks and deterioration in business fundamentals, and contributed to over $7.5 million in revenue
  • Conducted due diligence for mergers and acquisitions, analyzed company financials and market indicators, and delivered presentations to senior investment analysts
  • Created reports on the financial status of potential investments and communicated findings to shareholders to support high-level decision-making

4. Key skills and qualifications

For an MBA cover letter, highlight qualifications that emphasize your talent for business strategy and financial analysis. Rather than providing a list of skills, carefully weave key terms from the job posting into your document in a way that feels natural. Below, you’ll find a list of potential skills hiring managers will be looking for during the job search:

Key Skills and Qualifications
Business administration Business analysis
Business process improvement Business strategy
Client relations Communication
Cross-functional collaboration Data analysis
Finance Financial analysis
Investment strategy Project management
Risk management Stakeholder management
Strategic planning  

5. Closing paragraph

The conclusion of your MBA cover letter needs to include a call-to-action (CTA) that encourages the hiring manager to bring you in for an interview. Highlight how your expertise in business administration can help create value for the company you’re applying to. Be sure to thank the hiring manager for their time in the final sentence.

MBA Cover Letter Tips

1. Highlight your tactical approach to business administration

To make a strong impression on the hiring manager, emphasize how you’ve achieved positive results using both a tactical and strategic approach to business decision-making. In the example below, the candidate illustrates how their business administration skills have allowed them to deliver ideal technical solutions for client organizations. This demonstrates how their blend of business and industry knowledge has allowed them to develop high-impact strategies:

As you can see from my attached resume, I have over seven years of experience managing multi-million dollar projects that align technological solutions with business needs. My ability to identify process improvement opportunities and enhance revenue growth would be a strong asset to your team in the IT project manager role.

2. Quantify your business achievements

Feature strong monetary figures and data points to draw the reader’s eye and demonstrate your history of generating results. Quantifying your achievements helps to establish a sense of scope for your experience and breaks up the monotony of the text on the page. In the example below, the applicant highlights how their investment strategies have consistently exceeded performance goals:

  • Collaborated with senior financial analysts to develop comprehensive investment strategies, identify optimal portfolio structures, and exceed ROI goals by 200% to 300%
  • Served as the point of contact for 50 multi-million dollar client accounts, managed stakeholder relationships, and identified opportunities to enhance portfolio growth and performance
  • Performed due diligence on potential investments, evaluated risks and market indicators, and analyzed financial health and positioning of acquisitions

3. Align your MBA cover letter with the job description

Carefully tailor your MBA cover letter towards each individual job opportunity. In addition to featuring key skills from the posting, it’s important to emphasize how your MBA and industry experience can create value for potential employers. In the example below, the candidate mentions the company’s goal of improving growth in untapped market verticals. They follow this up by featuring a prestigious award they received as a portfolio manager, which clearly conveys that their background aligns with the organization’s needs.

With eight years of experience in portfolio management, I can support your organization’s strategic goals of investing globally in untapped market verticals. In 2023, I received the Portfolio Manager of the Year Award for achieving a 300% ROI following a key acquisition. Below, you’ll find a list of my most notable accomplishments:

MBA Text-Only Cover Letter Templates and Examples

  • Example #1
  • Example #2
  • Example #3

Yaling Zhang, MBA
Junior Portfolio Manager | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | New York, NY 12345 | LinkedIn

January 1, 2024

Matthew Johnson
Senior Hiring Manager
NY Equities
(987) 654-3210
[email protected]

Dear Mr. Johnson:

As a junior portfolio manager for Jones Investments, I managed 50 multi-asset portfolio accounts valued at up to $15 million and communicated with clients to identify investment opportunities. I can bring the same level of diligence to the role of associate portfolio manager with NY Equities.

With eight years of experience in portfolio management, I can support your organization’s strategic goals of investing globally in untapped market verticals. In 2023, I received the Portfolio Manager of the Year Award for achieving a 300% return on investment (ROI) following a key acquisition. Below, you’ll find a list of my most notable accomplishments:

  • Collaborated with senior financial analysts to develop comprehensive investment strategies, identify optimal portfolio structures, and exceed ROI goals by 200% to 300%
  • Served as the point of contact for 50 multi-million dollar client accounts, managed stakeholder relationships, and identified opportunities to enhance portfolio growth and performance
  • Performed due diligence on potential investments, evaluated risks and market indicators, and analyzed financial health and positioning of acquisitions

I would like to schedule an interview to discuss how my expertise in strategic investing can help grow your client portfolios. Feel free to contact me via phone or email at your convenience. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

Yaling Zhang

MBA Cover Letter FAQs

Why should I include an MBA cover letter?-

Submitting an MBA cover letter offers several unique advantages for job seekers. Having recently finished your master’s degree, the cover letter provides an opportunity to show how you’ve applied your advanced business knowledge in a professional setting. This also allows you to express your enthusiasm and genuine interest in the company, which can help you stand out from other candidates during the job search.

How long should my MBA cover letter be?-

While you may be tempted to provide a comprehensive overview of your academic and professional experience, limiting your cover letter to 400 words or less is best. Long-winded paragraphs and excessive amounts of detail can actually distract the reader from your most relevant qualifications. Avoid simply reiterating job responsibilities from the resume and instead focus on reinforcing your strongest career achievements.

Should I use artificial intelligence (AI) to write my cover letter?-

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be a powerful tool, but it needs to be used carefully and strategically. If you allow AI to craft all of your content, it's likely to result in a generic document filled with inaccuracies. When using an AI tool for writing support, be sure to infuse the cover letter with your unique voice and insights. Hiring managers want to hear more about your story, which can never be fully captured through a machine-learning algorithm.

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