A great marketing manager cover letter can make all the difference during the job hunt. To create a lasting impression on potential employers, feature accomplishments demonstrating your marketing expertise and leadership capabilities. Showcase your ability to execute high-impact campaigns in alignment with target audiences. This guide provides cover letter examples and expert tips to help you land your next big job opportunity.

Marketing Manager Cover Letter Templates and Examples

  • Entry-Level
  • Mid-Career
  • Senior-Level
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How To Write a Marketing Manager Cover Letter

To write a great marketing manager cover letter that stands out from the competition, use the same approach you would to any campaign or branding initiative. Start by identifying what content will resonate with your target audience. Research the company you’re interested in and carefully analyze the job description. By tailoring your document towards each opportunity, your application is sure to generate interviews on the open market. Below, we’ll provide additional guidance to help you craft each section of your marketing manager cover letter:

1. Contact information and salutation

List all essential contact information at the top of your marketing manager cover letter, including your name, phone number, email, and LinkedIn URL. Be sure to address the hiring manager by name — Mr. or Ms. [Last Name]. If you can’t find the hiring manager’s name, use a variation of “Dear Hiring Manager.” This is preferable to salutations such as “To Whom It May Concern,” as these types of greetings are largely considered outdated.

2. Introduction

Making a strong first impression on your marketing manager cover letter is essential for grabbing the attention of potential employers. The best way to accomplish this is by leading with a powerful introduction. Highlight your years of experience and key qualifications that match the organization’s needs. Anchor your paragraph with one of your most impressive marketing achievements to immediately show prospective employers that you have a proven track record of success.

In the example below, the candidate draws attention to a key marketing campaign they led for a major airline. The size of the company makes the increase in online sales conversions all the more impressive. Featuring tangible examples of your prior success will greatly enhance the impact of your marketing manager cover letter.


I’m reaching out to apply for the marketing manager position with Cadence Marketing Solutions that I found on LinkedIn. During my time with West Coast Airlines, I developed and implemented large-scale campaigns to enhance brand awareness, which increased online sales conversions by 25%. I can achieve similar success for your clients in this role.

3. Body paragraphs

Continue to describe your professional experience and accomplishments in the body paragraphs of your marketing manager cover letter. Start by mentioning something specific about the company’s reputation or culture and why this draws you to apply for the position. Feature a mix of marketing achievements that demonstrate your industry expertise and leadership skills, preferably backed by hard numbers and data.

For example, notice how this marketing manager prioritizes key aspects of their career. First, they effectively demonstrate how their expertise in brand messaging aligns with the organization’s needs. They proceed to paint a clear picture of their marketing background using KPIs and eye-catching monetary figures. Using this approach is a great way to add depth to your marketing manager cover letter.


Cadence Marketing Solutions’ reputation for revitalizing brand images draws me to apply for this opportunity. As a marketing professional, I pride myself on my ability to refine brand messaging in alignment with target audiences and long-term business goals. I can create value for your clients based on my career achievements:

  • Led high-impact campaigns to enhance brand awareness for a premiere airline valued at $200 million, oversaw the redesign of the landing page, and increased sales conversions by 20%
  • Managed and built a 20-person marketing team, oversaw paid, social, and digital marketing initiatives, and achieved a 150% ROI on average for marketing campaigns
  • Analyzed KPIs, market indicators, and industry trends to revamp brand messaging and identity with an emphasis on DEI

4. Marketing manager skills and qualifications

Featuring a long list of skills isn’t the right approach for a marketing manager cover letter, as most of this information should already be captured on your resume. Instead, you should use this opportunity to show hiring managers how you’ve utilized key skills from the job description in your career. Below, you’ll find a range of potential keywords to consider featuring on your marketing manager cover letter:

Key Skills and Qualifications
Advertising Analytics
Brand awareness Brand marketing
Campaign development Client relations
Cross-functional leadership CRM
Demand generation Digital marketing strategy
Google Analytics Go-to-market strategy
KPIs Lead generation
Marketing Paid search campaigns
Product marketing Project management
Team management SEO marketing

5. Closing section

End your marketing manager cover letter on a strong note with a call to action (CTA) that invites the hiring manager to bring you in for an interview. This displays a sense of confidence and your genuine interest in the opportunity. Be sure to thank the hiring manager for their time and consideration in the last sentence.


I look forward to speaking with you further about how my marketing experience within the craft beer industry can help accelerate your brand growth. You may contact me via phone or email at your convenience. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

Aliya Jackson

Marketing Manager Cover Letter Tips

1. Highlight your industry knowledge and marketing expertise

To effectively market a product or drive brand awareness, you need to have a keen understanding of what approach will resonate with target audiences. As you build your marketing manager cover letter, highlight your deep industry knowledge using key achievements from your career. In the example below, the candidate emphasizes how their success within the craft beer space could be a strong asset to the company they’re targeting:

  • Vanguard Brewing Company’s reputation as an innovator within the craft beer space draws me to apply for this opportunity. During my time with Redemption Brewing, I established partnerships with online craft beer retailers to integrate digital advertisements and promotions, which contributed to a $500,000 sales increase in 2023. I can achieve similar results for your organization based on my previous achievements:

2. Quantify your marketing achievements

The best way to demonstrate the impact of your marketing efforts is by incorporating KPIs, monetary figures, and hard data into your cover letter. That said, it’s important to be tactical to fully leverage these numbers to your advantage. In the example below, the applicant makes a point to highlight the size of the airline, which makes the 25% increase in online sales conversions all the more impressive:

  • Led high-impact campaigns to enhance brand awareness for a premiere airline valued at $200 million, oversaw the redesign of the landing page, and increased sales conversions by 25%
  • Managed and built a 20-person marketing team, oversaw paid, social, and digital marketing initiatives, and achieved a 150% ROI on average for marketing campaigns
  • Analyzed KPIs, market indicators, and industry trends to revamp brand messaging and identity with an emphasis on DEI

3. Feature your leadership capabilities

It’s important to highlight your leadership experience when applying for any type of manager position. In addition to your marketing expertise, employers also want to see you’re the ideal culture fit for their organization. In the example below, the candidate demonstrates their ability to collaborate effectively with clients, marketing teams, and cross-functional groups, a core aspect of being a successful marketing manager:

  • Led the development and implementation of digital marketing strategies for enterprise client accounts, executed  Google Ad campaigns, and spearheaded rebranding initiatives
  • Coordinated cross-functionally with web development teams to enhance customer web properties and drive SEO, resulting in 50% to 250% increases in page views
  • Interfaced with C-level executives and client stakeholders to identify target demographics and define brand messaging across all marketing channels

Marketing Manager Text-Only Cover Letter Templates and Examples

  • Example #1
  • Example #2
  • Example #3

Aliya Jackson
Marketing Manager | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | Boston, MA 12345 | LinkedIn

January 1, 2024

Hector Santos
Senior Hiring Manager
Vanguard Brewing Company
(987) 654-3210
[email protected]

Dear Mr. Santos:

I’m interested in applying for the marketing manager position with Vanguard Brewing Company. As you can see from my attached resume, I have over eight years of experience developing and implementing digital marketing strategies within the craft beer industry. I can provide valuable insights to help strengthen your digital presence and market share in this role.

Vanguard Brewing Company’s reputation as an innovator within the craft beer space is what draws me to apply for this opportunity. During my time with Redemption Brewing, I established partnerships with online craft beer retailers to integrate digital advertisements and promotions, which contributed to a $500,000 sales increase in 2023. I can achieve similar results for your organization based on my previous achievements:

  • Defined overarching digital marketing strategy for a craft beer company with over 20 products, including paid search campaigns and social media initiatives
  • Partnered with the digital marketing manager and advertising teams to establish brand identity and differentiate craft beer products in a crowded marketplace
  • Increased engagement on Instagram by 50% and grew audience from 25,000 to 800,000 followers in two years

I look forward to speaking with you further about how my marketing experience within the craft beer industry can help accelerate your brand growth. You may contact me via phone or email at your convenience. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

Aliya Jackson

Marketing Manager Cover Letter FAQs

Why should I submit a marketing manager cover letter?-

Although not every job application will require a cover letter, submitting one can increase your odds of landing the interview. This is an opportunity to make a strong introduction and express your genuine enthusiasm for the position. It also allows you to speak more directly about how your marketing skills can create value for the organization you’re applying to, differentiating you from the competition.

How do I make my marketing manager cover letter stand out?-

To make a lasting impression on the hiring manager, you need to highlight the nuances of your marketing experience. Avoid generic descriptions and mundane job responsibilities. Instead, showcase how your marketing strategies and campaigns have positively impacted brand awareness, digital presence, and growth.

How long should my cover letter be?-

It’s normally best to keep your cover letter brief, limited to no more than three or four paragraphs. This ensures that the reader focuses on your strongest marketing qualifications and achievements. Providing too much detail might overwhelm the hiring manager and send a message that you can’t market yourself effectively.

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