A great interior design cover letter can make all the difference during the job search. The key is to showcase your unique vision and passion for transforming spaces into masterpieces. This guide provides examples and expert advice to help you build a winning cover letter that reflects your creative flair and ability to turn dream designs into reality.

Interior Designer Cover Letter Templates and Examples

  • Entry-Level
  • Mid-Career
  • Senior-Level
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How To Write an Interior Design Cover Letter

To write a great interior design cover letter that truly stands out in today’s competitive job market, highlight your most creative and innovative designs. Rather than providing vague details, use the cover letter as an opportunity to create a compelling image of your interior design career. Think about the size and scope of your projects and how you’ve turned new and exciting design concepts into atmospheric spaces. Below, we’ll guide you through each step of the cover letter writing process:

1. Contact information and salutation

Feature all essential contact information in the header of your interior design cover letter, including your name, phone number, email, and LinkedIn URL. Be sure to address the hiring manager by name — Mr. or Ms. [Last Name]. If you can’t find the hiring manager’s name, use a variation of “Dear Hiring Manager.” It’s best to avoid salutations like “To Whom It May Concern,” as your greeting should be direct and personal.

2. Introduction

This should be the hook of your interior design cover letter. Introduce yourself and express your interest in the job, but in a way that intrigues the hiring manager. Emphasize your unique approach to interior design and highlight a noteworthy project from your portfolio.

In the example below, the candidate showcases an impressive design they created for a Fortune 500 client. This sets the tone for the cover letter and immediately demonstrates their talent as a creative designer.


I would like to apply for the senior interior design position at Johnson Fain. In the past year, I won a multi-million dollar contract by creating a cohesive and practical schematic design for a Fortune 500 company’s head office. My experience as both a leader and creative designer will allow me to excel in this role.

3. Body paragraphs

The body paragraphs of your interior design cover letter should illustrate your most compelling achievements and career accolades. Start by mentioning something specific about the firm’s reputation, designs, or mission and how this aligns with your background. Avoid listing generic information and bland job responsibilities. Instead, focus on illustrating specific projects that capture your creativity and passion for the dynamic field of interior design.

In the example below, the candidate notes a prestigious award they received. This shows their unique ability to innovate, which is highly attractive to potential employers. They also provide hard numbers and metrics to paint a clearer picture of their interior design projects. By following a similar approach, you can maximize the impact of your interior design cover letter.


Johnson Fain’s reputation as an award-winning architectural firm is what draws me to apply for this opportunity. In 2022, I achieved the Commercial Office Design Award from California Home+Design for my holistic and innovative office layout. I can achieve similar results as a member of your organization based on my career accomplishments:

  • Oversaw interior design projects valued at up to $15 million, led stakeholder meetings, liaised with architects and contractors, and delivered high-quality, holistic interior designs
  • Conducted product and materials sourcing, developed furniture plans, layouts, and visual designs, and identified opportunities to improve space utilization for offices by over 20%
  • Procured furniture, materials, and home décor from vendors, negotiated prices, identified business needs, managed art selection, and ensured compliance with project deadlines

4. Interior design skills and qualifications

Avoid providing a long bulleted list of skills on your interior design cover letter, as this information is better left on the resume. That said, it’s important to integrate key terms from the job description into your paragraphs. For example, you might mention how you utilized spatial theory and environmental psychology to inform your award-winning design concepts. Below, we’ve identified common interior design skills that you may encounter during your job search:

Key Skills and Qualifications
Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop Architectural design
AutoCAD Budgeting
Client relations Commercial designs
Communication Computer-aided design (CAD)
Environmental psychology Home renovation
Interior architecture Interior design
Project management Residential designs
SketchUp Space planning
Spatial theory  

5. Closing section

The conclusion of your interior design cover letter should include a call to action that invites the hiring manager to schedule you for an interview. Reinforce how your creative and innovative approach to interior design can create value for their clients and organization. Be sure to thank the hiring manager for their time and consideration in the last sentence.


I hope to speak with you further regarding how my knowledge of eco-friendly design features aligns with your organization’s mission. Feel free to contact me via phone or email at your convenience. I appreciate your time and consideration.


John Bergsen

Interior Design Cover Letter Tips

1. Capture your creativity as a designer

To make a lasting impression on the hiring manager, it’s important to highlight what makes you unique as a designer. Interior design is a highly artistic craft, and it takes immense skill to transform a mundane space into something that evokes positive emotions and atmosphere. As you build your cover letter, be sure to emphasize how your designs have achieved this throughout your career.

2. Quantify your interior design projects

Featuring monetary figures, hard numbers, and metrics is a great way to bolster the impact of your professional achievements. For example, you might mention the total value of the contract or project budget to establish a scope for the hiring manager. You could also emphasize examples of you reducing material costs or improving space utilization.

3. Align your cover letter with the organization you’re applying to

Another way you can make your cover letter stand out is by tailoring it to each interior design firm you apply to. In addition to mentioning something specific about the company, make a point to feature projects that match the employer’s needs. For example, if you’re pursuing a role at a commercial firm, highlight larger build-outs instead of smaller residential projects.

Interior Designer Text-Only Cover Letter Templates and Examples

  • Entry-Level
  • Mid-Career
  • Senior-Level

Melissa Anderson
Interior Designer | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | San Diego, CA 12345 | LinkedIn

January 1, 2024

Cecil Taylor
Senior Hiring Manager
ABC Style Design
(123) 987-6543
[email protected]

Dear Cecil Taylor:

As a creative and client-focused interior designer with over nine years of experience, I excel in transforming commercial and residential spaces. In 2023, my personal designs were responsible for Style Interiors winning a $10 million contract to refurbish the Marriott hotels in California. My expertise would be an asset to the innovative design team at ABC Style Design.

Your organization’s reputation for its holistic and innovative designs draws me to apply for this opportunity. Throughout my career, I’ve worked with over 100 commercial and residential clients to help transform their ideas and requirements into functional and beautiful design solutions. Some of my past successes include:

  • Conceptualized, visualized, and realized design ideas and objectives for high-end commercial and residential clients, managed projects valued at $300,000 to $10 million, and ensured compliance with budgetary requirements and timelines
  • Coordinated with clients to achieve unified and balanced designs, conduct space planning, and increase usable space by up to 20% for residential homes and offices
  • Achieved recognition for four projects in national design magazines

I’d like to set up an interview to discuss how my background as a creative interior designer can benefit your clients and design teams. Please feel free to contact me with a time that works best for your schedule. I appreciate your time and consideration.

Best regards,

Melissa Anderson

Interior Design Cover Letter FAQs

Why should I include an interior design cover letter?-

While not every company will require a cover letter, submitting one can help bolster your odds of landing the interview. The cover letter allows you to explore the nuances of your artistic approach to interior design in a way you can’t on a resume. It’s also an opportunity to provide additional context for the projects featured in your portfolio.

How long should my cover letter be?-

It’s generally best to keep your cover letter brief and to the point, limited to no more than three or four paragraphs. This ensures the hiring manager remains focused on your most noteworthy interior design projects and qualifications. An excessive amount of information risks overwhelming the reader and losing their interest.

Should I use artificial intelligence to write my cover letter?-

It may be acceptable to utilize an artificial intelligence (AI) tool to give yourself a starting point for your cover letter, but never allow it to write your entire document. While machine learning has continued to advance rapidly in recent years, these tools aren’t capable of capturing your artistic and creative approach to interior design the way you can.

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